Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Creating a Holistic Wellness Revolution

Revolution: [n] a sudden, complete, or marked change in something; a procedure or course, as if in a circuit, back to a starting point; a turning round or rotating.

When the Holistic Moms Network and Wellness Possibilities sat down to consider how we could collaborate, it became very clear to us that our synergy, our connectedness, our simple interaction represented nothing less than a Holistic Wellness Revolution. The founders of Wellness Possibilities shared with us a passion for helping others on their healing journey, for connecting people to resources for wellness, and a gratitude for doing something they believe in and support as a life purpose. Like the Holistic Moms Network, Wellness Possibilities was founded by moms. Moms who are personally, passionately involved in natural living. Moms who know the value of support and community.

Bringing together our organizations creates a revolution on many levels. It is a revolution as if the turning of a wheel, as we connect Holistic Moms members seeking natural resources with quality wellness providers who can help them on their journey to healing. And as the circle rotates, those same providers can assist their clients in finding support and community through Holistic Moms, giving them the self-confidence and empowerment to follow their healing instincts and to trust in their wellness journey.

But our collaboration is also a wellness revolution, creating a marked change in the way we see, experience, and understand health. It is a turning back to simpler, more natural ways of living and creating wellness that recognizes the body's ability to heal. A trust in the natural solutions that are available to us. And it is reclaiming our own wisdom and knowledge about healing - taking back our health in a radical transformation from a modern medical system that isolates and treats symptoms and idealizes specialists who disconnect body parts from the whole experience of living and being. It is revolutionary by starting in a place of connection and acknowledging the power of intangible things like energy, intention, and awareness. And it is revolutionary by building communities and connections, making individuals and their healers part of team that works together rather than creating an authority-subject relationship.

A Holistic Wellness Revolution is a fundamental shift in our philosophy - a radical departure from conventional thinking. We know that we cannot separate out physical health from emotional, psychological, or spiritual health. We understand that health and wellness are about connecting mind, body, and spirit and we see that parents are embracing this movement. By empowering parents through community support and wellness resources, we are helping them on their journey - building the momentum for a true paradigm shift. And we recognize that seemingly small baby steps combine to make for huge strides. Wellness is a journey that takes many paths but that starts with just one powerful step. As we step together, we begin the revolution. As Daisaku Ikeda, peace activist and Buddhist Leader once said, "A great revolution in just one single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a society and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of humankind." Join us!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! I just spent time looking at all these resources and I am inspired to take better care of myself! Even though that is "weird" in some circles, to explore wellness without any particular illness...I can be as healthy as I want! Thanks for bringing it all together.


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